These beautiful bandanas are inspired by the specific flora and fauna from the different locations. The featured species are:
Badwater Basin
Bighorn Sheep Skull, Bold Jumping Spider, Common Raven Skull, Desert Five-Spot, Desert Ironclad Beetle, Dune Scorpion, Emory's Rock Daisy, Gravel Ghost, Greater Roadrunner, Kit Fox, Pebble Pincushion, Sidewinder, Turkey Vulture, White-Faced Ibis
Wild Horse Island
American Balsamroot, Bighorn Sheep, Bitterroot, Common Harebell, Edith's Checkerspot Butterfly, Green Drake Mayfly, Orange Honeysuckle, Osprey, Rainbow Trout, Virile Crayfish, Wild Horses, Yellow Velvet Beetle
Old Faithful
American Bison, Common Harebell, Common Raven, Eleodes Nigrina, Elk, Flame Skimmer Dragonfly, Isabella Tiger Moth, Mountain Bluebird, Rocky Mountain Parnassian Butterfly, Seven-Spotted Ladybug, Shaggy Mane Mushroom, Yellow Fritillary
Bright Angel Point
American Bison, Coyote, Eaton’s Penstemon, Grand Canyon Rattlesnake, Grand Canyon, Tailed Copper Butterfly, Grand Canyon Tarantula, Mule Deer, Plateau Fence, Lizard, Six Spotted Orb Weaver, Spinystar, Stansbury’s Cliffrose, Western Bluebird, Wyoming Paintbrush, Zone Tailed Hawk
Bob Marshall Wilderness
Arnica Montana, Cow Parsnip, Darkling Beetle, Elk, Ghost Pipe, Glacier Lily, Great Horned Owl, Great Sundew, Luna Moth, Montana Mormon Cicada, Mountain Deathcamas, Pileated Woodpecker, Trilobite Fossil, Westslope Cutthrout Trout, Wolverine, Yellow Columbine
All designs are hand screen printed with water based ink. The bandanas are 100% cotton and are 23" x 23".