Indigenous Collective Subscription

Indigenous Collective Subscription

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The Indigenous Collective will feature a new First Nations artist each month, choosing a piece of their art* as inspiration for a one of a kind colorway. Along with at least 100g of yarn, you will be able to access a portal where we will feature the artist; giving you background information on them, their work, and the piece of art chosen. Along with artist information we will share more insight on our creative process; why we choose the piece of art and how we came up with the colorway. Permission from all artists is gained for these collaborations**.

This collective will be apart of a subscription that you can join, pause, or cancel at anytime. We do ask that if you sign up you have the intent of signing up for at least three months. This is on an honor system and supports us in the extra efforts made for these special yarns and the work that goes into subscriptions. You will also have the ability to pre-order additional yarn if you are wanting to make a project larger than 100g.

*The art featured will not only include fine art but music, poetry, pottery, weavings, movies, photography, books, and more. All the Indigenous Creativity!

** Permission from living artists is always gained before we include a colorway in the collective. Things like books, movies, and music that are more subjective won't necessarily need that direct permission. If an artist is deceased we will be donating 5% of proceeds to an Indigenous Organization that will be decided on depending on the artist's location and interests.

Subscriptions are billed the 1st of each month and shipped around the 16th of the month.

Yarn Information

To be as authentic to our creative process as possible we will be featuring different yarns every month. They will vary in weight, fiber content, yardage, superwash and non-superwash. You will get at least 100g of yarn each month. We will be choosing bases of ours that we already have and also bases that we don't carry. Sometimes special Farm Yarns and other times a tried and true FDF yarn. You will have the ability to preorder more yarn each month if it's something you need more of. Due to the nature of our small business, this will be shipped separately from your subscription and may be a different dyelot.

While there are no patterns included in subscriptions, we will be suggesting patterns each month. Use the Ravelry group for ideas as many of our makers are very active on here.

Please read ALL the information here before signing up for this subscription.